Monday, September 19, 2016




Ship's log - 6102.0919

Well, something went wrong, to say the least. And now I'm here. Wherever here is. I was drafted into duty as just a technical assistant on a routine pollination excursion, and now my ship is nose-down in the dirt.

It looks like a lot of damage was done when I crashed. Though if you ask the computer we 'landed with a minimum of damage'. Minimum damage to me, sure. Minimum damage to the local ecosystem... not so much. The ground around here is blasted and I can see heaps of rubble off in the distance. Looks like re-entry created a hell of a shockwave that leveled the indigenous peoples' habitations.

First thing I ran was diagnostics. Gotta give credit to the Sixam shipyards, the Ummaga Fugi is still operational. Not spaceworthy, for sure. Not by a long shot. But the chameo circuit is working... ok-ish... and it seems to have mimicked the local architecture. Maybe the locals will be too preoccupied with the whole apocalypse thing they have going on here to notice the alien.

Fugi tells me that's a horrible idea. It's scanned the local denizens and they appear to be (ugh) mammalian. All that pink skin and hair and sweat and ugh. It's uploaded an appropriate disguise into my suit too, apparently.
According to the logs, Fugi landed pretty trashed while I was waking up from cryo. It managed to clean up the interior and synthesize new accommodations, which, to be honest, are horrible. It says that the tech is consistent with the level of the planet, which means I'm stuck on a primitive, abandoned wasteland. Yay me.

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