Thursday, September 22, 2016

Not So Abandoned

Not So Abandoned

Ship's Log - 6102.9020

Looks like Fugi knew what it was talking about. Just a few hours after it activated my disguise, a native showed up at the hatch. Portal. Door. Thing.
I was waiting for the ship's automated security system to blast the mammal away after it scratched to get in, but the zot didn't come. Fugi says it barely has enough power to keep the lights on as-is and refused to take defensive action. Which left me.

"Greetings!" Mara waved exuberantly at the newcomer. The man jumped back as if startled to have his knock acknowledged.

"H-h-hey there. I was just, y'know, going door-to-door, seeing if anyone was left."

"Of course there is someone here! I am here! I live here, as I have for a quantity of time!"

"Okaaay... Nice to meet you then. I'm... um... Brady. Sure."

"It is good to see a human! Of which I am one! Are there many other humans here?"

"No?" Brady squinted at Mara. "The asteroid impact killed a lot of them, and the ones who survived are either keeping their heads down or trying to leave. That's why I'm casing the.. um... checking for survivors. Yeah. Can't have dead bodies lying around, y'know?"

"That is a good thing! Dead mammals start to putrefy in hours, unless buried by sediment or incinerated!"

"I'll just... be on my way then." Brady pulled a piece of chalk from his pocket and marked an X on the door. "That's to let um, people, know you're here. I'm sure they'll be looking in on you soon enough." Brady slouched off behind a building without looking back.

"All right, Fugi, what's it gonna take to get me home?"

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